Monday, March 5, 2012

I failed.

This whole student teaching thing is definitely taking a lot more than I ever thought it would. I knew it was going to be hard work, but dang. I love it though. I wouldn't trade it for [almost] anything :)

So the whole "picture a day" thing kinda absolutely fell through. Maybe one day I'll actually finish something I start...

...Oh wait, that day will be May 5th a.k.a GRADUATION!!!

Which means I finished one big thing that I wasn't required to begin. Actually, I won't even make it that far if I can't get the work done that I'm supposed to be working on right now--but I just had to drop in and say hi considering I haven't done so since January 28th.

So here's my "hi"; and a picture of me teaching my little "math minions" one way to prove triangles congruent.

I leave you with some pieces of advice. Especially you who are tied to any educational institution be it secondary or post secondary with plans to have a real job in the near future ("near" referring to within the next few years or so):

1. SAVE your money. Every cent you can muster to put toward the future, guard it as if it were pure gold. No matter your major or path in general, it can only help you. Trust me. 

2. It is never EVER too early to begin working on your resume. It will save you so much hassle in the long run by just knowing what one is, what it looks like, and what goes in one. Begin your research. Now. 

And, finally,

3. We all love our jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, and sweat pants. We all would also like a job, therefore we all need to have a solid professional wardrobe foundation. Sister didn't have fair warning and is paying for it now. Be willing to sacrifice the purchase of that t-shirt or sweatshirt for something a little more sophisticated and professional--again, it can only help you. Trust me. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Birthday Wish

First of all, forgive me for my absence. Student teaching requires so much time and energy whatever I have leftover at the end of a day has to be reserved for the next day. I haven't forgotten about whatever readers I have, though. Don't fret!

My main purpose for this post is to share my one and only birthday wish. I'll be celebrating 22 years of life one week from today (Saturday) and am asking for only one thing.

This Summer I'll be going back to the Dominican Republic for a week-long missions trip with my church, Bethel Worship Center. Sharing the gospel, providing medical attention, and continuing construction on a children's home are only a few of the things we'll be doing while there.

Trips like this aren't cheap. It was hard enough raising money the first two times I went. It's going to be harder now that I'm currently taken over with student teaching responsibilities and have no income at all.

My one birthday wish is to raise money for this trip. 

Even the two dollars that would be spent on a birthday card would be put to better work to make this trip happen.

A donation for a missions trip is an investment in serving others and reaching souls for the Kingdom. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Days 19 & 20 - Cheaters, Voters, and Slippers.

Remember how I mentioned sprucing up my little corner of the classroom with my Pi poster and math clock? Well, I did--and it looks great. Yesterday's picture is a little teaser of the awesomeness that is my "intern corner".

Yes. It starts at "3.14..." and continues for over 5,000 digits. Awesome, much? 

Speaking of yesterday, it was a rather tough day for me. Not only was it long, but while grading papers my mathematical brain noticed an unfortunate pattern. By the time I looked over all the papers, I found eight different students with the exact same answers.

At first, I was all like, "Mwahahaha, I caught you cheating!" Then, when it kept happening, I ended up very angry and upset; especially over one student for whom I had really developed a lot of respect.

I just wonder, how in the world is a teacher supposed to handle something like this? I know it happens all the time, and I'm glad I came across it now rather than in my first year of teaching. I'm rather distressed about it. My mentor encouraged me to let it go, like I was encouraging her to let something ago just earlier this week; we'll figure it out and get through it.

On the bright side, the super comfy L.L. Bean slippers that I bought on major sale came in today and the nice people in the post office let my roommate pick them up for me! Although they aren't the color I originally wanted (when I first saw them in 2010), they're perfect.


Switching gears...the SC Primary is tomorrow and I'm still not completely sure for whom I'm going to vote. I've heard good and bad about each candidate.

 I do know for whom I'm not going to vote..the fool who wants to completely eradicate the Department of Education. Just because it isn't in the constitution, doesn't mean it is completely unnecessary. As a student who has received and greatly benefited from federal Stafford loans, I would hate for future students to not have that as an option to help pay for school.

We're not living in the stone age, sir, when a semester of college is $350. 

Just as I was beginning to favor one candidate, my father tells me about another one he finds more qualified based on his standards for a national leader. I'm torn now. I've got until tomorrow to figure it out...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 18 - Don't Budge.

Two words. Mentioned only once today. Packing so much meaning.

Don't budge. 

My mentor teacher was referring to how to handle students with IEP's and 504 lingo for students who require special accommodations due to a learning disability or whatnot...and their parents.

For some reason, these words have resonated with me throughout the day.

Don't budge.

In my faith. In my opinions. In my career. In my self esteem. In my morals.Stand firm, stay true.

I take it as a challenge--personally and one to share. So, I challenge you--don't budge.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17 - Feels Like Home.

The highlight of my day? This awesome 'teacher station' my mentor teacher had set up for me when I walked in the door this morning complete with computer, book case, AND soft rolling chair!

Let me share with you how this makes me feel: 

A. Awesome.
B. More like a teacher.
C. Like I'm at home. 
D. Even more awesome. 

I plan on bringing my Galileo thermometer from home to spruce up my area a little bit and I was recently gifted some Pi wrapping paper that I just may use as a poster on that bare wall. 

Talk about feeling legit. 

Now that I've got my own space, I've got no excuse not to work, work, work. I've still got to figure out exactly how I'm going to handle things when I take over...homework, classwork, assessments, management...the list goes on. 

In education classes, you're walked through how to handle these things in an ideal situation--but things always work out perfectly in theory. The real test is implementing a plan of action that works. 

So here goes nothing...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16

My roommate and I went for a stroll after dinner and I had yet to take the snapshot of the day. As we were walking we came upon the amazing Dopey's cafe, our campus's pride burger joint.

If the Christmas lights are on, they're open for business!
And you can see those things for miles away, too.

I've only eaten there like two or three times in the three and a half years I've been here...sad, huh? I will say, though, that every time was a delight and I would recommend it to anyone.

So how about I finally was able to order the L.L. Bean slippers I've been wanting for the past two years. They were on major sale online AND everything was an additional 15% off AND they were offering free shipping AND I had a $10 gift certificate to use.

I ended up getting those suckers for like $7--and they're regularly $35...holla. Here's what they look like. 

The roomie just ordered some magnetic nail polish which I'm super excited to see her try out...that idea baffles me.

Oh! I also found a great deal on something else, that I can't share because I bought it as a birthday present for a dear friend of mine and don't want to risk spoiling the surprise (I did buy one of these for me, too!). It'll have to be my picture for the day on or shortly after her birthday.


What in the world can 1 Kings 12 teach us about God's love?

When I first read through it, I didn't think it could teach me anything. But I was very very wrong.

So 1 Kings 12 tells us how King Joash led the charge to rebuild the temple and how it took a while to get everyone to work. Then, when they were repairing it they didn't, bother adding a bunch of extra fluff--lavish decorations and whatnot--their focus was on repairing the existing damage.

See where I'm going with this?

God is in the business of repairing our hearts--His temple. Our hearts are broken, imperfect, and wounded. God wants to rebuild them--we have just got to be willing to let Him. He isn't going to add anything extra, either. By repairing the brokenness with his unconditional love, the "renovations" to what already existed will shine on their own and reflect the One who created and fixed that broken temple.