Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Birthday Wish

First of all, forgive me for my absence. Student teaching requires so much time and energy whatever I have leftover at the end of a day has to be reserved for the next day. I haven't forgotten about whatever readers I have, though. Don't fret!

My main purpose for this post is to share my one and only birthday wish. I'll be celebrating 22 years of life one week from today (Saturday) and am asking for only one thing.

This Summer I'll be going back to the Dominican Republic for a week-long missions trip with my church, Bethel Worship Center. Sharing the gospel, providing medical attention, and continuing construction on a children's home are only a few of the things we'll be doing while there.

Trips like this aren't cheap. It was hard enough raising money the first two times I went. It's going to be harder now that I'm currently taken over with student teaching responsibilities and have no income at all.

My one birthday wish is to raise money for this trip. 

Even the two dollars that would be spent on a birthday card would be put to better work to make this trip happen.

A donation for a missions trip is an investment in serving others and reaching souls for the Kingdom. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Days 19 & 20 - Cheaters, Voters, and Slippers.

Remember how I mentioned sprucing up my little corner of the classroom with my Pi poster and math clock? Well, I did--and it looks great. Yesterday's picture is a little teaser of the awesomeness that is my "intern corner".

Yes. It starts at "3.14..." and continues for over 5,000 digits. Awesome, much? 

Speaking of yesterday, it was a rather tough day for me. Not only was it long, but while grading papers my mathematical brain noticed an unfortunate pattern. By the time I looked over all the papers, I found eight different students with the exact same answers.

At first, I was all like, "Mwahahaha, I caught you cheating!" Then, when it kept happening, I ended up very angry and upset; especially over one student for whom I had really developed a lot of respect.

I just wonder, how in the world is a teacher supposed to handle something like this? I know it happens all the time, and I'm glad I came across it now rather than in my first year of teaching. I'm rather distressed about it. My mentor encouraged me to let it go, like I was encouraging her to let something ago just earlier this week; we'll figure it out and get through it.

On the bright side, the super comfy L.L. Bean slippers that I bought on major sale came in today and the nice people in the post office let my roommate pick them up for me! Although they aren't the color I originally wanted (when I first saw them in 2010), they're perfect.


Switching gears...the SC Primary is tomorrow and I'm still not completely sure for whom I'm going to vote. I've heard good and bad about each candidate.

 I do know for whom I'm not going to vote..the fool who wants to completely eradicate the Department of Education. Just because it isn't in the constitution, doesn't mean it is completely unnecessary. As a student who has received and greatly benefited from federal Stafford loans, I would hate for future students to not have that as an option to help pay for school.

We're not living in the stone age, sir, when a semester of college is $350. 

Just as I was beginning to favor one candidate, my father tells me about another one he finds more qualified based on his standards for a national leader. I'm torn now. I've got until tomorrow to figure it out...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 18 - Don't Budge.

Two words. Mentioned only once today. Packing so much meaning.

Don't budge. 

My mentor teacher was referring to how to handle students with IEP's and 504 lingo for students who require special accommodations due to a learning disability or whatnot...and their parents.

For some reason, these words have resonated with me throughout the day.

Don't budge.

In my faith. In my opinions. In my career. In my self esteem. In my morals.Stand firm, stay true.

I take it as a challenge--personally and one to share. So, I challenge you--don't budge.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17 - Feels Like Home.

The highlight of my day? This awesome 'teacher station' my mentor teacher had set up for me when I walked in the door this morning complete with computer, book case, AND soft rolling chair!

Let me share with you how this makes me feel: 

A. Awesome.
B. More like a teacher.
C. Like I'm at home. 
D. Even more awesome. 

I plan on bringing my Galileo thermometer from home to spruce up my area a little bit and I was recently gifted some Pi wrapping paper that I just may use as a poster on that bare wall. 

Talk about feeling legit. 

Now that I've got my own space, I've got no excuse not to work, work, work. I've still got to figure out exactly how I'm going to handle things when I take over...homework, classwork, assessments, management...the list goes on. 

In education classes, you're walked through how to handle these things in an ideal situation--but things always work out perfectly in theory. The real test is implementing a plan of action that works. 

So here goes nothing...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16

My roommate and I went for a stroll after dinner and I had yet to take the snapshot of the day. As we were walking we came upon the amazing Dopey's cafe, our campus's pride burger joint.

If the Christmas lights are on, they're open for business!
And you can see those things for miles away, too.

I've only eaten there like two or three times in the three and a half years I've been here...sad, huh? I will say, though, that every time was a delight and I would recommend it to anyone.

So how about I finally was able to order the L.L. Bean slippers I've been wanting for the past two years. They were on major sale online AND everything was an additional 15% off AND they were offering free shipping AND I had a $10 gift certificate to use.

I ended up getting those suckers for like $7--and they're regularly $35...holla. Here's what they look like. 

The roomie just ordered some magnetic nail polish which I'm super excited to see her try out...that idea baffles me.

Oh! I also found a great deal on something else, that I can't share because I bought it as a birthday present for a dear friend of mine and don't want to risk spoiling the surprise (I did buy one of these for me, too!). It'll have to be my picture for the day on or shortly after her birthday.


What in the world can 1 Kings 12 teach us about God's love?

When I first read through it, I didn't think it could teach me anything. But I was very very wrong.

So 1 Kings 12 tells us how King Joash led the charge to rebuild the temple and how it took a while to get everyone to work. Then, when they were repairing it they didn't, bother adding a bunch of extra fluff--lavish decorations and whatnot--their focus was on repairing the existing damage.

See where I'm going with this?

God is in the business of repairing our hearts--His temple. Our hearts are broken, imperfect, and wounded. God wants to rebuild them--we have just got to be willing to let Him. He isn't going to add anything extra, either. By repairing the brokenness with his unconditional love, the "renovations" to what already existed will shine on their own and reflect the One who created and fixed that broken temple.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Playing Catch-Up (Days 12-15)

(12) Look--more books! These books were way more exciting than the textbooks I received the day before, though. These books are what textbooks SHOULD be. They guide students' learning through discovery, questioning, and activities. What better way is there to learn? I'm really looking forward to using these as resources this semester.

(13) See this bag? It was full of amazingness that was too much for us to handle in one sitting which was therefore going to be saved for enjoyment at a later time. Unfortunately, all that goodness was left behind. Don't you hate when you leave your leftovers at the restaurant? Yeah. It stinks.

It was so very good while it lasted, though. Daddy, Momma, Joey and I each had the four course special Red Lobster was offering. I had my fill of potato soup, salad, garlic herb chicken & shrimp, brownie a la mode, and the ever popular Cheddar Bay Biscuits. My mouth is watering just thinking about it all. I'm really glad I waited to go with the majority of my family; it was well worth it.

(14) As much as I needed to stay home yesterday and work on lesson planning, Daddy needed company for grocery shopping yesterday. He was so very kind and rewarded me with chocolate Animal Crackers! They're such a treat because I can't find them anywhere around here; the only place I've seen them is back home.

I then ended up going recliner/dishwasher shopping with my parents, too. Badcock ended up being a one-stop-shop for us. We went in looking for a recliner and ended up getting a dishwasher AND a couch. It's hard to pass up a great deal when you find one!

Regarding my planning, I had plenty of time during the Broncos' beatdown last night :\

(15) This is what all your "extra" space turns into when you're trying to plan lessons/a semester. My bed is completely covered with papers, planners, textbooks, resources, and anything school related. It's still pretty fun...tedious, but fun. I hope I can stay excited :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Temporary Delay...

My, has a lot been happening! 

I've got pictures to share. I've got words to share--too many words, in fact. I have observed, learned, and soaked up so much in the past few days I have no idea how my brain can handle it all. 

While I'm still taking a picture a day, I don't have anywhere near the amount of time necessary to upload and write about each one every day. Maybe at some point this weekend I can get caught up... 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 11 - The Other Side of the Desk

After finally catching the attention of someone to let me in the locked building this morning, I was greeted with a lovely gift from my mentor teacher--teachers' textbooks!

Today went great. I'm learning everything I can about the school and the many faces that make it the community that it is. Everyone is so nice, too. The kind gentleman who let me in the building this morning greeted my with a huge smile and a warm, "Welcome to Mid-Carolina High School!"

Time management is going to be a skill I am going to have to hone in on this semester. Trying to get every required thing taken care of in a timely manner will be very difficult--but it can be done!

I'm just so thankful of where I've been placed; I don't think it could have worked out any better.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 10 - Crazy Good Cookies

See this little more-than-half-eaten morsel of sweet goodness right here? It's a coffee chocolate cookie and it changed my life.

Well, not exactly, but it sure was good.

My awesome roommate came back to campus with a bunch of baked apple pie thing-a-ma-bobs, rainbow swirly sugar cookies, and my favorite, coffee chocolate cookies. I had never tried any of these before but once I did, if that's what love is like, I'm in it.

Remember that stinkin' paper I've been mentioning for a while? I finished it this evening! But that just means I can jump right on my next one. On the bright side, it's done. And I'm happy.

If you travel a little farther on the bright side, you find out I begin student teaching tomorrow! I have been working for this day for a very long time. Even with the attempted switch to meteorology, I feel like I've been on track for this ever since I first had the desire to teach all the way back in fourth grade. My initial inspiration came from the always amazing and never dull Mrs. Kathy Mixon when I was only 9 years old.

I'll be in a geometry classroom, too--funny how things change; I hated geometry in high school and now it's not so bad.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 9 - Training

I'm really hoping it is the dreary, overcast atmosphere making me feel as tired as I'm feeling right now. If it was the days events which drained me so, I don't know how I'm going to handle this semester.

After a training session for yet another certificate to add to my portfolio and a luncheon with the mentor teachers & supervisors, I was then able to begin to tackle my to-do list for the day. I've still got some loose ends to tie up.

I will say, I feel more at ease about this student teaching thing. Even with being thrown a curve ball today, I'm feeling better about it all. Come to find out, we secondary level interns will be responsible for completely taking over our classrooms for a full eight weeks. Considering I was only expecting to have two weeks on my own, that news came as a little hard to digest at first. Fortunately, I've been with my mentor teacher before, so I know what to expect with her and she knows what kind of work I do--we work well together--I'm not too worried.

I'm still overwhelmed at how far I've made it and tremendously grateful for God guiding my track up to this point.

There's no telling what's coming next--

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 8 - The Beginning of the End

I'm baaaaaack! Still in the process of getting all settled in, but I and all my belongings are here on campus to stay for a while. 

Believe it or not, this was actually the first time in all three and a half years of college so far that I really wasn't completely ready to get back to school. I don't know why. Maybe it was because I know this is the last time I'm "going back to school" after Christmas/Winter break. 

Gauging the number of tears my Daddy shed the past two days, graduation is going to be unbearable. 

Not only was it hard to come back because I didn't want to, it was also a challenge considering how much stuff I had accumulated in the past four weeks. I was able to fit all my clothes I took home in my duffel bag and coming back to campus I had to put them in my big suitcase--where they barely fit! Then there were other boxes and miscellaneous the time it was all finished, I had all my stuff upstairs in three trips. 

Talk about a work out. 

This picture is actually after some unpacking...I couldn't even fit everything into the shot. I'm still not done. 

But unpacking can wait. 
Making sure the Steelers have my full attention until the end of this death match of a game has priority at the moment. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7 - Sweet, Sweet Saturday

Oh Saturdays, how I adore the ease with which you come and go; the glory that is not having to do anything; how you encourage and allow me to relax and breathe...

Except for today, that is.

This has been a bittersweet Saturday for me. While I didn't appreciate the 70 degree weather, considering it's the freaking first week of January, it ended up growing on me. I spent the majority of my morning packing for the upcoming semester, my last, at school. This has been my last full day at home on Christmas/Winter break. Between packing, working on that blasted paper, and trying to spend some final quality time with my family, it's been a rather smooth day. I even ended up in a lovely IM conversation with my best friend, Liz. Oh how that child always brings a smile to my face and shines a radiant beacon of light into my day! I absolutely adore that girl.

Then to top it all off, I raided our pantry and ended up scrounging up just enough stuff to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies*. A sweet topping to a lovely day.

*They aren't completely 'chocolate chip' cookies...I had to mix together whatever was left of a bag of regular chocolate chips with whatever was left of a bag of peanut butter chocolate chips. They were also Bisquick cookies...which were more cake-like that I normally prefer my cookies to be. But hey, these cookies weren't bad for a spur-of-the-moment cookie fix!


"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands."
Deuteronomy 7:9

Tell me that this chapter wasn't included in that list for nothing. 

Just because he loves his children, he has established a covenant of love with us. Deuteronomy 7 outlines this covenant and even shares why we have this covenant. Just look at what it says in verses 7 & 8

The reason he does everything he does through and for us simply because he loves us. If it's that easy, why do we complicate it so much? When you begin to complicate the idea of God's love for you, just think back to these three verses in Deuteronomy and remember how simple his love for you is and how faithful he is in keeping that love covenant. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Days 5 & 6 - New Favorites

If you love me, you will never leave me alone with a bag of these chips. You will also forgive me for not posting yesterday.

Absolutely nothing happened...and as I desperately searched for something to photograph, this bag was lying around and I had a craving. As Gru from "Despicable Me" would have so eloquently stated, "Liiiight bullllb."

The 'hint of pepper jack' tastes exactly like the cool ranch Doritos but on a lighter scale--they're perfect...too perfect.

As a results of yesterday's blandness, I had plenty of time to explore Pinterest, where I came across a dish I really wanted to try. I proposed it to my father, who's palette all meals in our home must satisfy, and after it gained his approval, I was free to go ingredient shopping.

It was amazing. We had a crockpot FULL of "Crockpot Chicken Enchilada Soup" and almost all of it was devoured (one of the perks of having a big family full of boys with bottomless pits for appetites). Pinterest saves dinner, yet again!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4 - Taming of the Shrews

Just as church and football are required on Sundays, Wednesday evenings also mean church in our household. I specifically remember a period where I was literally one of only two girls who would regularly attend our Wednesday night church group.

A lot of change has happened in the more than 10 years since that time--a lot of  great change. As I write, I reflect on the transformations that have occurred in the girls' Wednesday night programs over the years. I could go on and on about the changes I've witnessed, but what I find beautiful is where they stand right now.

One of my dearest friends, Kalyn, has recently (within the past year) taken over the group for middle school girls. (I must add here, though, that there are some high school girls in this picture, too--not quite all of them are in middle school). This particular age group has always had a hard time keeping a leader. I believe it takes a very special and gifted soul to be able to manage those crazy girls. They went through the awkward season of multiple leadership transitions because the right person wasn't quite ready yet.

 Lord knows, I surely couldn't handle them--especially by myself. Kalyn felt led to take those precious girls under her wing and has worked wonders ever since. She loves every single one of those girls and they absolutely adore her. It's such an inspiration to see this type of relationship between younger girls and a young woman who is such a wonderful role model.

Any Wednesday night I get to spend with this beautiful group of ladies is always so much fun--exhausting, even as on observer, but one can't help but enjoy their company. I'm so very proud of what my lovely friend is doing with these girls and can't wait to see what happens next!


Numbers 14 accounts the Israelite people's response to the report the twelve spies brought back after observing the inhabitants of their promised land. We all know, they weren't very optimistic about their odds of obtaining what was rightfully theirs. Let's put their response into perspective, shall we?

Imagine yourself as a tiny, soft spoken kindergartner. You and your group of friends are on their way in from recess and you find the bigger, meaner, tougher kindergartners sitting at your table. That territory is yours; it was designated as yours by the teacher. Would you risk the bumps and bruises to try and reclaim it? The odds aren't quite in your favor so you probably decide not to chance it.

Not only did the Israelites not chance it, they complained about it. God had taken them through so much already, they failed to acknowledge his power in getting through the next step in obtaining the promised land.

Now, I don't know about you, but when I pitched a fit as a child, I got punished. That's what God did to his children in this instance. He loved them nonetheless, and forgave them for their ignorance, but he followed through with punishment.

While we dwell on the more warm & fuzzy aspects of God's love, we can't neglect the firm love God exercises as our heavenly Father. Because he favors us as his children, he is firm in his love for us.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3 - "Beast Mode"

Beginning the life of a student teacher is becoming more and more of a reality as each day passes. Unfortunately, before I can be completely free to focus on those responsibilities solely, I've got a couple big papers to write. Blast going to a liberal arts school with a writing requirement for graduation...and blast being a student who pushes her assignments to the last possible minute. With that said, this week before getting back to campus will be spent crafting my next to last "Communicating Across the Curriculum Program" paper...ugh.

As if the stress of beginning this new chapter of my life on top of being a grade A procrastinator wasn't enough, I'm absolutely hating the way I'm physically feeling; I boiled it down to simply feeling gross. Those holiday goodies are wonderful in the moment, but they sure don't play nice after it's all said and done.

Joey went on a run this evening, and I decided to join him. As you can see in the picture, I was less than prepared for a run in 30-something degree weather. There's only so much warmth a pair of running shorts over some dress tights can provide. But that's what I get for leaving my uber warm sweat pants in my closet at school. Nonetheless, I survived; it was so much fun. After the picture, I showed it to Joey and you know what he said? "Beast mode".

Now, I know that was his ego speaking about himself and how 'bad' or tough he looked, but in retrospect that's me right now. I'm in 'beast mode'. I've got to be productive. I've got to do work. I've got to make progress--and I'm game.

I'm kicking it into super beast mode.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2 - Capital One Bowl

Football is a religion in our household. As important as church on every Sunday of the year is, football every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and/or Monday during its season is right up there, too. If there's a game on, my father knows it and watches it--especially if his Pittsburgh Steelers, Carolina Gamecocks, or Penn State Nittany Lions are playing.

Growing up I didn't really appreciate this pastime as much as my dad. Frankly, I couldn't have cared less about it. Football was a pointless, unnecessary sport that took away from time I could be watching real television--Disney shows, Nickelodeon shows, or my personal favorite, the Lawrence Welk show. Instead, if I wanted to watch t.v. during football season I was limited to just that, football.

As I've grown up, I have truly come to appreciate my dad's football fanaticism. Some Sundays when I'm on campus I'll turn my t.v. to ESPN and even if it's a game I'm not interested in, I'll leave it on just for the ambiance. Football has become ingrained into who I am. I've learned, a lot about it, too. I'm pretty sure I've driven my father half mad with all the questions over the years. Of course, the fact that I never quite learned to wait and ask during commercial breaks could have contributed to my driving him crazy.

Today, though, was a special football day for us as Gamecock fans. The Carolina Gamecocks went to, and dominated, the Capital One Bowl. They shucked the Nebraska Corn-huskers clean. The highlight and turning point of the game was right before half time when Alshon Jeffrey caught Connor Shaw's hail mary pass for a touchdown which gave them the lead. From there, the adrenaline kicked in.

Unfortunately, shortly thereafter Jeffrey and a defensive player from Nebraska were ejected from the game for fighting (which, in my opinion, was unnecessary--Alshon was simply defending himself from the crazy fool's punches). Overall, it was a great game.

Just like other things I thought I hated growing up, I'm becoming to appreciate them more now--it's the little things, isn't it?


Step one on this journey toward a deeper understanding of God's love leads me to Genesis 37. Here begins the account of Jacob with the story of Joseph and his "coat of many colors". The layout of this journey can be found here.

When I came across these twenty chapters dealing with love in the Bible, I was surely expecting the first one to be an eye opening, epiphany inducing chapter.

But when do things go as we expect? 

The unearthing of a facet of God's love in the chapter took a little more digging than I was hoping it would. After taking a short break to let what I read percolate a bit, I slowly was able to excavate the purpose of Genesis 37 on this journey.

Joseph not only found favor in his earthly father's eyes--he found favor in his heavenly Father's eyes as well.  Joseph was nestled deeply in God's right hand where His favor protected and preserved Joseph until it was time for his ultimate purpose to be fulfilled.

I'm so thankful, that as a child of God, I walk daily in his favor.
He loves me that much. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1

Unfortunately, one of my father's favorite restaurants  has become a regular tradition in our household. Because of this, today was going to end up as any other Sunday--lunch at our local Huddle House--or so we thought. When we arrived, the entire restaurant was completely full; and so we did what any hungry family would do in a full restaurant, we waited. We waited as patiently as we could for as long as we could until we could wait no longer. It appeared a certain family, who appeared to be finishing up, were not finishing up at all. Which was fine by me--I would have been happy eating anywhere else. One can only take so much Huddle House. The wait became ridiculously long, so our small army of a family decided to migrate elsewhere in search for food. My suggestion of the Mexican restaurant proved fruitless...they were closed. Rush's was also closed. We were growing restless. All else was beginning to fail, so we found ourselves at Wal Mart to get something to take home to eat (sub sandwiches, actually--who wants to clean up after a meal on a Sunday?!). 
Daddy wasn't quite ready to give up hope on Huddle House, though. One final trip by to see if a table had cleared was all it took. 

So that's how I introduced my digestive system to 2012...with Huddle House. 


You are my heart.

The title of my favorite song from Gungor's newest album, "Ghosts Upon the Earth", sets the premise for beginning this journey. 

"Vous êtes mon cœur" translates to "You are my heart". 

My father has said this deeply moving statement to me on multiple tear filled occasions throughout my life. It's a statement my heavenly Father is constantly whispering in my ear that I've never stopped to pay attention and try to fully understand--until now. 

Enter purpose #1 of this journey: Not too long ago I found myself in the concordance of my dad's Bible looking for chapters having to do with love. My goal is to dissect those twenty chapters it led me to and find a new facet of God's beautiful love in each one. 

Purpose #2: A little more frivolous, but enlightening, nonetheless, chronicling the year in pictures--one per day--seems like a fascinating task. While it could end up daunting at times, I'm up for the challenge--the challenge of seeing and feeling God's love in EVERY day.

So here I am, Lord--
seeking after 
listening to
running toward
your heart.