Sunday, January 1, 2012

You are my heart.

The title of my favorite song from Gungor's newest album, "Ghosts Upon the Earth", sets the premise for beginning this journey. 

"Vous êtes mon cœur" translates to "You are my heart". 

My father has said this deeply moving statement to me on multiple tear filled occasions throughout my life. It's a statement my heavenly Father is constantly whispering in my ear that I've never stopped to pay attention and try to fully understand--until now. 

Enter purpose #1 of this journey: Not too long ago I found myself in the concordance of my dad's Bible looking for chapters having to do with love. My goal is to dissect those twenty chapters it led me to and find a new facet of God's beautiful love in each one. 

Purpose #2: A little more frivolous, but enlightening, nonetheless, chronicling the year in pictures--one per day--seems like a fascinating task. While it could end up daunting at times, I'm up for the challenge--the challenge of seeing and feeling God's love in EVERY day.

So here I am, Lord--
seeking after 
listening to
running toward
your heart. 

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