Sunday, January 15, 2012

Playing Catch-Up (Days 12-15)

(12) Look--more books! These books were way more exciting than the textbooks I received the day before, though. These books are what textbooks SHOULD be. They guide students' learning through discovery, questioning, and activities. What better way is there to learn? I'm really looking forward to using these as resources this semester.

(13) See this bag? It was full of amazingness that was too much for us to handle in one sitting which was therefore going to be saved for enjoyment at a later time. Unfortunately, all that goodness was left behind. Don't you hate when you leave your leftovers at the restaurant? Yeah. It stinks.

It was so very good while it lasted, though. Daddy, Momma, Joey and I each had the four course special Red Lobster was offering. I had my fill of potato soup, salad, garlic herb chicken & shrimp, brownie a la mode, and the ever popular Cheddar Bay Biscuits. My mouth is watering just thinking about it all. I'm really glad I waited to go with the majority of my family; it was well worth it.

(14) As much as I needed to stay home yesterday and work on lesson planning, Daddy needed company for grocery shopping yesterday. He was so very kind and rewarded me with chocolate Animal Crackers! They're such a treat because I can't find them anywhere around here; the only place I've seen them is back home.

I then ended up going recliner/dishwasher shopping with my parents, too. Badcock ended up being a one-stop-shop for us. We went in looking for a recliner and ended up getting a dishwasher AND a couch. It's hard to pass up a great deal when you find one!

Regarding my planning, I had plenty of time during the Broncos' beatdown last night :\

(15) This is what all your "extra" space turns into when you're trying to plan lessons/a semester. My bed is completely covered with papers, planners, textbooks, resources, and anything school related. It's still pretty fun...tedious, but fun. I hope I can stay excited :)

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