Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Numbers 14 accounts the Israelite people's response to the report the twelve spies brought back after observing the inhabitants of their promised land. We all know, they weren't very optimistic about their odds of obtaining what was rightfully theirs. Let's put their response into perspective, shall we?

Imagine yourself as a tiny, soft spoken kindergartner. You and your group of friends are on their way in from recess and you find the bigger, meaner, tougher kindergartners sitting at your table. That territory is yours; it was designated as yours by the teacher. Would you risk the bumps and bruises to try and reclaim it? The odds aren't quite in your favor so you probably decide not to chance it.

Not only did the Israelites not chance it, they complained about it. God had taken them through so much already, they failed to acknowledge his power in getting through the next step in obtaining the promised land.

Now, I don't know about you, but when I pitched a fit as a child, I got punished. That's what God did to his children in this instance. He loved them nonetheless, and forgave them for their ignorance, but he followed through with punishment.

While we dwell on the more warm & fuzzy aspects of God's love, we can't neglect the firm love God exercises as our heavenly Father. Because he favors us as his children, he is firm in his love for us.

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